Team Member Details

About Me

Ben joined Plancorp in 2013 after having worked in a variety of roles within the financial services industry. He has spent his time at Plancorp developing relationships with clients and helping them with every financial aspect of their lives. Ben is also a voting member of Plancorp's Financial Planning Committee, setting policies and best practices for other advisors within the company.

Born in Denmark, Ben was raised primarily in North Carolina after his family moved to the U.S. at the age of 4. He graduated Cum Laude from NC State University with a degree in Business Management, and while having never lived in the Midwest, he eventually migrated to St. Louis.

Ben enjoys traveling, both domestic and international, and in his spare time he likes to bicycle, go for walks in the park, and try new restaurants. He also has a strong passion and a deep knowledge of a variety of genres of music.


  • North Carolina State University, Business Management

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