Service Overview

Wealth Management

Achieve ultimate clarity, confidence, and alignment in your wealth journey.

As a Plancorp client, you will: 


Be confident you're avoiding costly money mistakes


Make the most of your financial opportunities with a trusted ally


Discover freedom to pursue your dreams and passions without constraint


Let's Build Your Crafted Advantage

We know the biggest questions aren’t about allocation strategies or tax breaks.

They’re about building the confidence you aren’t making mistakes you aren’t even aware of that could cost you or your future generations. They’re about making sure you’re making the right moves to extract everything possible of your opportunities.

We help our clients establish a solid foundation, build trusted momentum, and achieve intentional success.

Learn Our Approach

What We Offer

  • Holistic Financial Planning
  • Evidence-Based Investing
  • Comprehensive Estate Planning
  • Strategic Tax Planning
  • Vision-Focused Retirement Planning
  • Detailed Insurance Planning
  • Impactful Charitable Giving Strategies
  • Equity Compensation Management
Holistic Financial Planning

Spend Less Time Worrying and More Time Enjoying Life

Our holistic planning approach takes into account all aspects of your financial life.

We'll help you understand which levers to pull, while using your investments as one of many tools to help you reach financial freedom.

Related Resources

Evidence-Based Investing

Built for Your Goals and Risk Tolerance

Our investment approach is rooted in decades of Nobel-Prize winning academic research.

Rather than trying to beat the market, we harness its power to help you accomplish your financial life goals.

Related Resources

Comprehensive Estate Planning

Protect Your Wealth & Legacy

By establishing your estate plan, be assured that your wishes will be carried out exactly how you like, without placing additional burden on your family, and you'll have peace of mind knowing your loved ones will be cared for. 

Related Resources

Strategic Tax Planning

Making Your Money Work for You

Protecting your financial future starts with strategic tax planning today—both for your present, and especially your future.

In an effort to minimize your tax burden, we'll run multi-year tax projections to guide you toward the right strategies for retirement contributions and withdrawals, tax loss harvesting of your investments, charitable giving, and more. 

Related Resources

Vision-Focused Retirement Planning

Build the Future You Desire

Whether you want to downsize and travel the world, buy your dream home, spend more time with family or even start a new career, we'll build the right roadmap to help you get there, and proactively monitor the plan to make sure you end up where you want.

Related Resources

Detailed Insurance Planning

Protect Your Family's Future

Accidents happen and illness can strike anyone.

Our insurance planning can uncover and fix coverage gaps including life, disability, property and casualty, and more to make sure you have comprehensive coverage.

Related Resources

Impactful Charitable Giving Strategies

Make the Most of Your Philanthropic Gifts

By understanding what's most important to you, we can help you leverage the right vehicles at the appropriate times to make the most powerful impact and help you reach your charitable giving goals.

Related Resources

Equity Compensation Management

Supercharge Your Most Powerful Employee Benefit

Equity compensation is a reward for your talent and hard work, and an asset that can help build long-term wealth. 

Thoughtfully managing key decisions—especially those related to taxes—can make a big difference in how much you ultimately gain.

Related Resources

Plancorp adheres to high levels of data privacy and cybersecurity to keep your information safe. Learn more here.

The Plancorp Process

Step 01

Getting To Know You

Schedule your 15-minute discovery call so we can learn a little bit about each other and make sure Plancorp is a good fit for you.

If so, the next step is to build a first draft of your financial plan to present in a 90-minute follow up meeting.

This allows you to better understand what it’s like to work with Plancorp and allows us to showcase how our financial planning expertise can help you. 

Schedule a Discovery Call

Step 02

Collecting Your Data

Our plans and recommendations are only as valid as the information fueling them.

We'll launch an easy-to-use digital onboarding platform that allows you to securely share key data from past tax returns or portfolios so we can properly assess your situation and run models.

Schedule a Discovery Call

Step 03

Coming Together

This is where things get exciting. We'll regroup including members of our team with deep knowledge on the topics most important to you and walk through your plan and make refinements based on your goals.

A financial independence analysis will guide this process and we'll conclude with a clear breakdown of exactly what an agreement with Plancorp would look like for you and your family.

Schedule a Discovery Call

Step 04

Onboarding and Implementing

We'll work with you to securely share any additional details and account information to fully implement Plancorp as your trusted investment advisor and financial planning partner.

We'll discuss the steps and a regular meeting cadence to take the work off your plate while ensuring you feel informed and supported through life's milestones, big and small.


Schedule a Discovery Call

Step 05

Reviewing and Updating

While a lot of work is done up front to establish key components of your financial plan like an investment allocation, estate plan, and insurance plan, the real value comes through our commitment to continually evaluate and optimize your plan and help you make decisions when they come up.

You can set a cadence with your Wealth Manager that matches your life so you feel supported, not smothered, by someone who is truly your financial advocate.

Schedule a Discovery Call

Your Wealth Team

Plancorp clients have access to our entire group of advisors. 

Your personalized team will consist of: 

  • A Wealth Manager
  • A Financial Planner
  • A Client Services Consultant

As complexities arise, we'll pull in the right mix of talent for your specific needs.


The Plancorp Crafted Advantage

Without realizing it, most people are stuck in the shallows of basic financial advice. We see great financial planning like an iceberg, with most of the real story happening below the surface.

With a process perfected over 40 years to dive deep and align your wealth with your goals and values, we can craft your advantage.

I'm Ready to Learn More

Is Your Plan Off-Balance?

We've distilled the key indicators of wealth alignment into a simple 2-minute analysis so you can quickly assess the most common question we hear: "Is my plan missing something?"

Your results will generate instantly, plus we'll curate and follow up with strategies, tips, and resources specific to your situation.


Test Your Financial Plan

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you get paid?

Our only compensation comes from the fees our clients pay us to manage their investments and provide financial advice. In the financial planning world, this is commonly referred to as a “fee-only” approach. Fees are calculated as a percentage of clients’ AUM (assets under management).

Because we receive no compensation from the products we recommend, you can feel comfortable knowing we are always looking out for you, not focusing on selling commission-based products or other agendas. This ensures that our advice is independent, objective and intended to be in your best interest.

How would you invest my assets?

Nearly 40 years of academic research—which includes Nobel Prize-winning work—has shown that traditional active money managers fail to consistently outperform the market. So, rather than adhering to the Wall Street approach of making investment decisions based on conjecture (and advisors who push commissioned products), we combine practical investment strategies with solid academic research. Our investment philosophy concentrates on creating globally diversified portfolios, which we constantly monitor to maintain their agreed upon asset allocation and never trade in response to speculation or overreaction.

What can I expect in a relationship if I became a client?

Each of our clients has a dedicated team of advisors made up of a Wealth Manager, a Financial Planner and a Client Service Consultant. You’ll meet at least annually with the members of your specific team, and we may also pull in other specialists, depending on your personal needs.

No matter with whom you meet, you will always hear a consistent message from our team. We all agree on the best ways to deal with our clients’ planning needs. We all agree on the investment style we recommend. And we all provide impartial advice that is free from hidden financial incentives.

What makes you different from other advisors?

We believe in maintaining absolute transparency with our clients and always put their interests ahead of our own. This philosophy has served us well, as we have built long-lasting relationships with clients across the country over more than 35 years of business. As a client of Plancorp, you can be certain there are no hidden fees or agendas, just a life advocate who is looking out for what’s best for you and your family.

What is the minimum for working with Plancorp?

Plancorp does not have an account minimum for who may become a client, but we do have a minimum annual fee for individuals: $12,000. This gives us the flexibility to serve clients who are accumulating assets or have upcoming life events. Even if we are not the right fit, we may be able to help you find someone who can assist with your needs.

To learn more about our fee-only approach, click here.

For more information on minimum fees for our Exit Strategy and Retirement Plan Advisor segments, please contact those divisions directly.

Who holds my money?

As a client of Plancorp, your assets will be held by a third-party custodian, TD Ameritrade, Charles Schwab or Fidelity. Plancorp never takes ownership of any of your assets, which remain in a separate account that you own. Your custodian will provide you with independent account statements showing all holdings and activity in your accounts.

Can you work with my children to help them manage their financial lives as well?

Absolutely. We take a multigenerational approach geared toward educating you, as well as your children, about planning for the future. We take pride in providing our clients with the information they need to understand the “why” behind the investment and planning recommendations we make. That education often extends to future generations as we often coach their children and give them a foundation for making wise decisions on their own.

What security measures are in place to protect clients’ personal information?

At Plancorp, we look out for you. That's why we take important measures to protect your security. Here are a few quick facts about how we put your security first.

  • We do not have access to your account credentials. We don’t store credentials for your linked financial accounts, either.

  • Your data is encrypted at rest and in transit. Our portal requires the latest TLS (a type of digital protocol that keeps data safe) for authentication and encryption.

  • We leverage industry leading cloud platforms to keep your data and account information secure.

Read more about our cyber security efforts here.

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