On Wall Street: Daniel Lee on 'Why financial advisors should be part of employee wellness plans.'

 Plancorp Team By: Plancorp Team

Daniel Lee, Senior Wealth Manager out of our Silicon Valley office had the opportunity to sit down with Amanda Schiavo, of On Wall Street, to share his thoughts on the importance of employee wellness plans based on experiences. A excerpt can be found below, click the link below to read the article in it's entirety. 

Financial advisor Daniel Lee, lead wealth manager at Plancorp’s Bay Area office, received a panicked phone call last year from one of his clients about a drop in the market. The client was worried that the decline would impact his finances and alter his plans for retirement. Lee quickly reassured the client that he was in no danger, as the plan he had devised had a very low risk tolerance.

With one conversation Lee was able to alleviate that client’s fears.

Financial wellness benefits have become a trend among employers, but there is one key element missing from these programs — financial advisors. Giving employees access to the assistance of a financial advisor can help to improve their finances and alleviate stress, resulting in a happier and more productive employee.


Financial concerns are the biggest cause of stress among employees, according to data from consulting firm PwC. Indeed, 59% of employees surveyed say uneasiness over money causes the bulk of their stress, and 35% of employees are distracted by their finances while at work.

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