It’s all about stocks in investing, right? You may be surprised to learn how “old school” bonds can be an important part of a balanced investment strategy—providing a predictable income stream and stability to investors when added to a portfolio of stocks. Read more…
Exploring the World of Bonds: A Guide to Building Your Investment Portfolio
Bonds often take a backseat to stocks when individual investors think about building their portfolio, but they play an important role in creating a diversified investment strategy. Read more…
What is Tax Loss Harvesting and Why is It Important?
Nobody wants to see their portfolio balance drop in a down market. But if you invest for the long term, experiencing ups and downs along the way is inevitable. Tax loss harvesting is one way to use market volatility to your advantage and keep your financial plan moving in the right direction. This Read more…
Tax Planning with Cryptocurrency
This is the third installment in a series on planning for cryptocurrency assets. The purpose of this series is not to debate the merits of cryptocurrency or provide commentary on its outlook. Instead, it’s meant to serve as a resource for those holding cryptocurrency and how to properly factor it Read more…
Incorporating Crypto into An Existing Investment Allocation
This is the second installment in a series of posts on how to properly factor your crypto holdings into a financial plan. The purpose of this article is not to debate the investment merits of crypto — there’s enough of that on the internet already — but instead, it will focus on how to incorporate Read more…
Estate Planning for Cryptocurrency
While there are plenty of trendy headlines in the world of investing, one of the trendiest topics over the last few years has been cryptocurrency. Whether you’re in tech, finance, politics, or infrastructure, cryptocurrency is a talking point. Read more…
How to Consider Alternative Investments as Part of Your Portfolio
In our Family Office practice, we field a lot of questions from clients who are interested in alternative investments. Perhaps you’ve also wondered whether you could improve on your investment portfolio by branching out beyond your core stock/bond asset allocations. With all the possibilities to Read more…
Doing Your Due Diligence on a Private Equity Investment Offer
In our Plancorp Family Office practice, we often work with clients who are frequently presented with opportunities to invest in non-traditional offerings such as private equity, private real estate, hedge funds, etc. Read more…
How to Put Your Paycheck to Work
You work hard for your paycheck. So shouldn’t your paycheck work for you? If you’re like most people, you’ve wondered what to do with your money. It can be tempting to spend it as it comes in, even if you know you should be saving. But to get the most out of your income, it’s important that you Read more…