Wealth Management | Plancorp | Healthcare

Is a Health Savings Account Worth It for High-Net-Worth Individuals?

Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) are often discussed in the basic context of providing tax advantages and savings opportunities for all income levels. Read more…

New Contribution Limits for Retirement Plans, Health & Dependent Savings Accounts, and Estate & Gift Tax for 2025

With a new year comes many new changes – putting up a new calendar, making New Year’s resolutions, AND new contribution and gifting limits imposed by the IRS. Read more…

How an HSA Can Boost Your Retirement Savings

When it comes to picking a health insurance plan, the options can seem confusing. For years, I avoided my company’s high-deductible health insurance plan with a health savings account (HSA) because it felt scarier than simply paying the monthly premiums and predictable co-pays of a PPO plan. Read more…

Health & Wealth: Considerations from a Certified Care Manager

Until you are faced with a situation where your health is at risk, you might not grasp just how intertwined health and wealth really are. In fact, with the rising cost of healthcare, health-related concerns are one of the top disruptors to building wealth and passing along a legacy to the next Read more…

Caring for Aging Parents: What to Know From a Wealth Manager

Everyone is familiar with “Generation X,” but did you know it has garnered another term? Gen X is also called the “sandwich generation,” describing individuals who are simultaneously caring for their children as they enter adulthood and their aging parents who require more support. Read more…

Social Security & Medicare Quick Guide from InspireHer

This blog summarizes the information and discussion shared at a recent InspireHer event at Plancorp’s office by Senior Wealth Manager, Jessie Weiss. If you are interested in learning more about the InspireHer mission to inspire financial confidence among women or to sign up receive updates about Read more…

InspireHer Business Owner Spotlight - Dr. Becky Lynn, CEO & Founder of Evora Women's Health

Join InspireHer founder and Senior Wealth Manager, Sara Gelsheimer, for a chat with physician, founder and hard-working mom, Dr. Becky Lynn, of Evora Women's Health at St. Luke's Hospital in Chesterfield, MO. Dr. Lynn discusses starting her new women's health clinic at the beginning of the Read more…

How to Hack Your Health Savings Account to Capitalize on its Tax Advantages

It’s easy to ignore what we don’t understand – including something like an Health Savings Account. But plenty of professionals leave money on the table by not making the most of these tax-advantaged accounts. Read more…

Medicare Open Enrollment Has Now Started

For Medicare recipients, the period from October 15 through December 7 is a designated time to evaluate coverage and make certain changes if better options are available. Among the changes permitted during this time are: Read more…

Considerations When Planning for Retirement: Unexpected Healthcare Expenses

I often tell people that I lived a Norman Rockwell childhood. My parents provided a home full of love and encouragement. Our grandparents lived nearby and most of our extended family lived within a 30-minute drive. We celebrated holidays, birthdays, and often gathered for no reason at all. As a Read more…

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