Author: Susan Jones

How to Prepare for the Potential Sunset of the Estate and Gift Tax Exemption in 2025

In 2018, the federal estate and gift tax exemption amount increased substantially, allowing high-net-worth individuals to avoid paying estate taxes on a significant portion of the assets in their estates. Read more…

Donor Considerations & Best Practices for Charitable Giving

As the end of each year approaches, conversations with many of our wealth management clients turn to strategies for lowering their tax bill. Read more…

The Corporate Transparency Act (CTA): What Small Business Owners Need to Know

**Update: December 27th, 2024: After several changes throughout December of 2024, the latest update as of December 27th is that an Appeals Court has reinstated the stay on this deadline until further notice to maintain the constitutional status quo. We recommend remaining prepared should the stay Read more…

Wealth Strategies to Consider and Avoid During a High Interest Rate Environment

It’s hard to escape how high interest rates are dominating the economic and financial news cycle these days. Sustained higher interest rates have been paired with high inflation, focusing media coverage on negatives like a higher bill at the grocery store or the impact on the housing market and Read more…

A Guide to Estate Planning Considerations for Digital Assets

By definition, an estate plan is a set of legal documents that dictates how you’d like your assets to be transferred upon your death or incapacitation. When you think of assets that need to be considered under an estate plan, you likely default to thinking about traditional assets like homes, cars, Read more…

What Are the Different Types of Trusts?

Are you seeking to craft a strong estate plan? Or do you simply wish to ensure that some of your assets are properly cared for? Either way, you’re likely digging in on how to arrange a trust. Read more…

Helping Adult Children Get Financially Stable: The New Generational Wealth

Ensuring our children become financially stable doesn’t always mean that we leave them everything needed to have a cozy life. Generational wealth most often comes from helping them establish themselves, wander out into the world, and learn to thrive. Read more…

The Importance and Cost of Basic Estate Planning Documents

Estate Planning is a broad term, often overwhelming and misunderstood. Some people think only the “wealthy” need an Estate Plan, but the bottom line is most everyone should have a basic Estate Plan. Estate Planning is a topic near and dear to our hearts as we work with many clients to help develop Read more…

Understanding the Benefits of Self-Canceling Installment Notes in Estate Planning

Introducing self canceling installment notes (SCINs): a unique form of promissory note that allows buyers and sellers to securely transfer real estate, business interests, and other assets while helping to optimize income, gift and estate taxes. Read more…

Protecting Future Wealth Through Tax Planning Today

Protect Your Net Worth with Tax Planning Strategy Taxes are an inevitable part of life, but that doesn't mean you have to let them steal your future. With proper tax planning as a part of your holistic financial plan, you can protect your family's finances and make the most of your hard-earned Read more…

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