Author: Brian King

How Tax Projections Help Make Better Financial Decisions

"We should run a tax projection." You’ll hear that a lot around Plancorp Wealth Management. Read more…

The IRS Provides New Clarity on Required Minimum Distributions from Inherited IRAs

After a few years of confusion and waivers, the IRS released clarifying information on inherited IRAs in the summer of 2024. Before we unpack the latest information, let's recap the 2019 legislation. Read more…

529-to-Roth IRA Transfers: What Are They and Can You Make One?

You Can Now Convert Unused 529 Funds Into A Roth IRA For Your Beneficiary 529 college savings plans have become a popular vehicle for parents and grandparents to set aside money for their children or grandchildren's’ college expenses. Read more…

How to Build Generational Wealth

A key marker of personal financial success is building generational wealth. If managed appropriately, generational wealth can maintain family-owned businesses, develop financial literacy for years, and generate passive income for future family members through investments. More importantly, Read more…

The Basics About Financial Planning and Financial Advisors

Planning for a strong financial future and achieving your financial goals requires developing a comprehensive strategy. A well-built plan will typically involve both short-term and long-term goals, and will also take into account unexpected events that could otherwise negatively impact your Read more…

The Secure Act 2.0: What You Need to Know

The Secure Act, passed in 2019, brought many changes to the retirement and financial planning landscape. We re-capped some of the biggest impacts of the original bill in a webinar that you can now access on-demand in the Plancorp resource library. Read more…

Know Your (Stock) Options: Understanding ISOs and NSOs

Companies use stock options as a form of equity compensation to supplement employees’ salaries — and if you’ve been awarded options, you’re essentially being given a chance to take an ownership stake in the company you work for. Stock options are not only an acknowledgement of the contributions you Read more…

Should I Invest in a Traditional or a Roth IRA?

When funded early and consistently, an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) can be a cornerstone of retirement planning. By combining the magic of compounding, a long time for growth, and shelter from taxes, the wealth-building equation can really work in your favor. Read more…

Doing Your Due Diligence on a Private Equity Investment Offer

In our Plancorp Family Office practice, we often work with clients who are frequently presented with opportunities to invest in non-traditional offerings such as private equity, private real estate, hedge funds, etc. Read more…

End-of-Year Tax Planning Tips

My first opportunity to vote in a presidential election was the year 2000. Bush v. Gore. Hanging chads. A month of legal battles until we had a President Elect. I always wondered whether another election would surpass that chaos. 20 years later I have my answer. Read more…

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