Author: Sara Gelsheimer

3 Ways to Strive for Financial Freedom—Even During Uncertainty

We live in uncertain times. The deluge of depressing news only reminds us of the many things that are out of our control. Read more…

Health & Wealth: Considerations from a Certified Care Manager

Until you are faced with a situation where your health is at risk, you might not grasp just how intertwined health and wealth really are. In fact, with the rising cost of healthcare, health-related concerns are one of the top disruptors to building wealth and passing along a legacy to the next Read more…

Caring for Aging Parents: What to Know From a Wealth Manager

Everyone is familiar with “Generation X,” but did you know it has garnered another term? Gen X is also called the “sandwich generation,” describing individuals who are simultaneously caring for their children as they enter adulthood and their aging parents who require more support. Read more…

Protecting Your Post Divorce Finances With Appropriate Planning

Despite recent downward trends, the facts are stark: More than 689,000 people divorced in 2021. These high numbers reveal a fundamental truth: Every year, hundreds of thousands of Americans discover just how complicated divorce finances can be. As a result, there are multiple questions to answer. Read more…

Financial Planning: How To Help A Child Buy A Home

Over the last few months, particularly as interest rates have climbed, I have had clients reach out about helping their children with purchasing a home. If this is something you’re considering, I've outlined considerations and options to help ensure your generosity doesn't de-rail your retirement Read more…

Questions to Ask About Charitable Giving Before Making Contributions

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8 Ways Women Can Invest in Themselves as Leaders

The working world is going through a revolution due to the global pandemic; professional women have had to navigate age-old issues in new ways. Women made up 47% of the workforce before the pandemic rocked our world, yet accounted for 54% of the initial job losses due to coronavirus shutdowns, Read more…

Video Series - Mistakes Business Owners Make And How to Avoid Them

Starting a business can be overwhelming. Part of ensuring that you're poised for success is having a Certified Financial Planner at your side to make sure you've covered every aspect and protected yourself and your business to the fullest extent. Having the right financial advisor by your side Read more…

Charitable Contributions with Equity Compensation, Estate Planning and Taxes

A charitable contribution is the gift of cash or property made to a nonprofit organization. The gift is meant to help an organization accomplish its goals, and the donor receives nothing in return. In most years, taxpayers can deduct cash charitable donations to public charities of up to 60% of Read more…

Video Series - Mistake #5 - No Retirement Plan

In this video, Senior Wealth Manager, Sara Gelsheimer , speaks to why it's important to set up your own retirement plan as a small business owner . Read more…

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