Author: Ben Schwartz

Planning for Retirement: 8 Steps to Take in Your 50s

As you enter your 50s, the idea of retiring one day starts to become more of a reality than a fantasy. But your working years aren’t behind you quite yet, even if your retirement age feels so close you can taste it! Read more…

Planning for Retirement: 7 Steps to Take in Your 40s

Making a plan for retirement is about more than maxing out your 401(k) contributions and taking advantage of employer matches—although that’s a good place to start. Read more…

What is a Financial Independence Analysis?

When can I retire? Can I afford to send my child to a good college? Will I be able to take the trip to Italy with my parents which they still can? Read more…

Your Will: Will It or Won't It?

It is commonly thought that the transfer of wealth upon someone’s death is largely, or even exclusively, dictated by that person’s document known as a Last Will & Testament, or simply, Will. In fact, the term “Will” is often used synonymously with one’s estate plan. Because of this, people too Read more…

How I Spent $50 to Save $2,000

I’m sure you’ve noticed there’s a common formula behind most “easy ways to save money” articles. It goes something like this: Read more…