
At Plancorp, we don’t wait for you to ask the right questions.
We take the initiative to offer insights and guidance — real enlightenment for real life.

Caring for Aging Parents: What to Know From a Wealth Manager

Everyone is familiar with “Generation X,” but did you know it has garnered another term? Gen X is also called the “sandwich generation,” describing individuals who are simultaneously caring for their children as they enter adulthood and their aging parents who require more support. Read more…

Divorce & Financial Planning: A Discussion with Family Lawyers [Video]

No one plans on getting divorced, but planning for the unexpected allows you to save and protect more than just your assets. At Plancorp, we have seen first hand the impact divorce has on families and some of those negative aspects could have been avoided had an appropriate estate plan been Read more…

What Are the Different Types of Trusts?

Are you seeking to craft a strong estate plan? Or do you simply wish to ensure that some of your assets are properly cared for? Either way, you’re likely digging in on how to arrange a trust. Read more…

Spring Client Event Recap: VR, AR, and The Metaverse with Healium Founder Sarah Hill

As a firm, we pride ourselves on always doing what's best for out clients, including preparing them for the future beyond their financial plan. As we celebrate 40 years of service, we've been thinking back to just how much the world has changed since we opened our doors in 1983. Read more…

Is it Worth Paying a Wealth Manager?

The wealth management industry currently has assets under management (AUM) above $100 trillion. That number is estimated to reach $145 trillion by 2025. More and more high net worth Individuals (HNIs) — people with investible assets over $1 million — are trusting their financial planning to Read more…

8 Money Mistakes High Earners Should Avoid

You've probably seen media reports of successful business owners or celebrities facing financial challenges and wondered how that could happen. It may be surprising that they've gone through bankruptcy or foreclosure, but it turns out that people with high income can be just as susceptible to Read more…