With a new year comes many new changes – putting up a new calendar, making New Year’s resolutions, AND new contribution and gifting limits imposed by the IRS. Read more…
5 Things to Know in Case You Outlive Your Partner
All too often in my career, I have walked alongside a female client as she navigated the unimaginable—her spouse had passed away and there was a financial puzzle to piece together amidst her grief. Read more…
Good vs. Bad Debt: The Differences and Risks
We’ve all heard the phrase “too much of a good thing.” Usually we’re talking about something relatively harmless, but it’s a different story when it comes to borrowing money. Read more…
The Ins and Outs of Intrafamily Loans
In today’s high interest rate environment (with current AFR sitting well over 4%) many people are turning to intrafamily loans to assist with major investments as opposed to commercial lenders. Read more…
Financial Resources for a Successful New Year’s Resolution
It’s like clockwork—the calendar changes, the new year is before us, and we start making plans. Setting goals. Determining areas of our lives that could use improvement. Read more…
Comparing Robo-Advisors to Traditional Wealth Managers: What is Better For Your Needs?
If you’ve outgrown DIYing your investment management strategy, you have two options — use a robo-advisor or work with a wealth manager. Read more…
3 Ways to Strive for Financial Freedom—Even During Uncertainty
We live in uncertain times. The deluge of depressing news only reminds us of the many things that are out of our control. Read more…
Money Saving Tips When You're Expecting a Little One
Whether you planned to have a house full of kids or no kids at all, you’re probably reading this because you are expecting a little one of your own. Congratulations! Read more…
Health & Wealth: Considerations from a Certified Care Manager
Until you are faced with a situation where your health is at risk, you might not grasp just how intertwined health and wealth really are. In fact, with the rising cost of healthcare, health-related concerns are one of the top disruptors to building wealth and passing along a legacy to the next Read more…
Divorce & Financial Planning: A Discussion with Family Lawyers [Video]
No one plans on getting divorced, but planning for the unexpected allows you to save and protect more than just your assets. At Plancorp, we have seen first hand the impact divorce has on families and some of those negative aspects could have been avoided had an appropriate estate plan been Read more…