Author: Derek Jess

Federal Student Loan Rates Are Going Up. Now What?

Interest Rates on Federal Student Loans Are on The Rise. Consider these 5 Key Benefits Before Bypassing Them For Private Student Loans. Read more…

If Stock Options Are Part of Your Compensation Package, Here's What You Need to Know

The 2010s was arguably the decade of the corporate perk. For years, we could hardly escape the barrage of beer taps in the break room, free gym memberships, and unlimited PTO. These benefits may have led to a “best place to work” award or two, but when was the last time a free lunch helped you feel Read more…

Getting the Most Out of 529 College Savings Plans

Want to get the most out of your 529 College Savings Plan? If one of these special situations apply, you may be able to shop 529 plans in an effort to reduce fees and gain access to additional features and benefits not available in your state-sponsored plan. Don't miss this short informative video Read more…

How to Pay for College without Breaking the Bank | Plancorp

Deciding how much to spend on your child’s college education? Given the sticker price, it’s one of the most significant financial decisions you’ll ever make. Parents who overspend on their kids’ higher education may end up having to work longer, live on less, sacrifice other important goals and Read more…

5 Key Questions About 529 College Savings Plans

If you’re a parent, odds are you’ve already been mulling over how you’ll help pay for your kids’ higher education when the time comes. Read more…

3 Useful Company Employee Benefits Policies for High Earners

Employee benefits can have a significant impact on wealth accumulation, but the International Foundation of Employee Benefits Plans reports that 80% of companies struggle to get employees to read benefits materials. If you don’t correctly understand your company’s employee benefits policy, you Read more…

Your Employer Offers You Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation (NQDC): Now What?

It’s always nice to be recognized for a job well done. Being invited to participate in your employer’s non-qualified deferred compensation (NQDC) plan, is one such vote of confidence; it’s typically offered exclusively to select executives or similar high-performing employees. Read more…

How You Can Benefit from a Down Market Using an Employer Stock Purchase Plan

An ESPP (short for Employer Stock Purchase Plan) is a super valuable benefit offered by your company that allow you to purchase your company stock at a discount. With the recent drop in the US stock market however, you might find that the price of your company shares is now below even the Read more…

How Our Family Conquered Overspending during Holidays and Birthdays

My wife and I got serious about budgeting the year we got married. We used the “envelope system”, made popular by Dave Ramsey, to set aside cash for key expenses every month and give every dollar a mission. We stayed on track, for the most part, with two exceptions: holidays and birthdays. Read more…

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