Author: Mike Esson

Unmasking Financial Advice Scams: How to Spot One and Ways to Protect Yourself

We all do it. We use internet search tools to find everything from restaurant reviews to advice on businesses we may want to work with. Read more…

Cyber Security Event Recap: 6 Takeaway Tips

In May 2024, we invited clients and employees for our annual Shred Day event at Plancorp. Protecting the personal information of our clients is a top priority for us, so we were thrilled to enhance the event by adding a Cyber Security Q&A session featuring special guest speakers from Charles Read more…

What to Know About Pig Butchering Scams

In the ever-evolving world of financial fraud, a new investment scheme with an unusual name has emerged. Known as the "Pig Butchering" scam, this term, as unsettling as it sounds, metaphorically represents the methodical way scammers fatten their victims' trust before going in for the financial Read more…

Stand up to Scammers with These 6 Steps

Most of us know how to avoid obvious email scams, such as that "friend" who is trapped penniless abroad and needs you to "wire money immediately," to strange companies asking you to verify person information. But, as hackers become both more polished and nefarious in their scamming attempts, it's Read more…