Author: Plancorp Team

Reduce Tax Liability with These Tips

The end of the year is an exciting time for most of us. Crisper weather, holiday celebrations, family time ... And year-end tax planning. What's not to love? Read more…

It’s National Estate Planning Awareness Week

In honor of National Estate Planning Awareness Week, which kicks off today, Plancorp is bringing you daily content, tips and resources regarding this crucial aspect of financial planning. Unfortunately, as essential as estate planning is, an estimated 56 percent of Americans do not have up-to-date Read more…

Who is Your Financial Life Advocate?

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How CEFEX Increases Trust in the Industry

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Unique Approach To Advising

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Volatility as the New Normal

If, as many investment experts are saying today, volatility is the new normal in equity markets, it makes even more sense than ever to structure a portfolio that can help isolate you to some extent from these major market swings. Read more…

Chris Kerckhoff, President, Discusses Advanced Estate Planning Techniques

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Jeff Buckner, Founder, Explains the Plancorp Philosophy

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Evidence-based Investing vs. Stock Picking

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Avoid Hidden Investment Costs

We never cease to be amazed at what little time is spent by the typical investor trying to get a handle on what his or her investing costs are. It’s amazing because, aside from the fact that costs can have a major impact on portfolio returns, they are still the only thing that we, as investors, Read more…

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