Wealth Management | Plancorp | Financial Planning (4)

How Does a Prenup Work and Should You Get One?

Marriage is an exciting time for anyone, but special considerations exist for high-net-worth individuals. Real financial concerns are common: Should you consider combining finances after marriage? What sort of debt are you each bringing into the marriage? If you have more money, how will you manage Read more…

How to Build Generational Wealth

A key marker of personal financial success is building generational wealth. If managed appropriately, generational wealth can maintain family-owned businesses, develop financial literacy for years, and generate passive income for future family members through investments. More importantly, Read more…

4 Financial Benefits of Marriage

Love should always be the primary reason for two people to tie the knot, but the financial benefits of marriage are an added incentive. From the tax benefits of marriage to changes in Social Security and even the correlation between marriage and credit score, there’s a lot to be aware of after you Read more…

Financial Planning: How To Help A Child Buy A Home

Over the last few months, particularly as interest rates have climbed, I have had clients reach out about helping their children with purchasing a home. If this is something you’re considering, I've outlined considerations and options to help ensure your generosity doesn't de-rail your retirement Read more…

Importance of The Family Meeting

My grandfather (we called him Pappy-O) passed away recently, after almost two years of entrapment in his body and his mind. He was the father of three children, grandfather of six, and married to my grandmother (Mammy-O) for 65 years. For most of those years, he drank a cup of coffee with her every Read more…

The Secure Act 2.0: What You Need to Know

The Secure Act, passed in 2019, brought many changes to the retirement and financial planning landscape. We re-capped some of the biggest impacts of the original bill in a webinar that you can now access on-demand in the Plancorp resource library. Read more…

The Real Cost of DIY Finances

With a few practical skills and knowledge, DIY projects in your home or car can save you money. Financial planning, however, isn't the same as painting a room or replacing a headlight. In fact, DIY financial planning can cost you more than you think compared to the cost of professional help. Read more…

How to Prevent Lifestyle Creep from Impacting Your Financial Future

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10 Times in Life When You'll Definitely Want a Financial Advisor

Working with a wealth management advisor has tremendous benefits due to the holistic approach they take to your financial health. An advisor does much more than manage your investment portfolio; they relieve you of stress and help you achieve your dreams. Throughout life’s changes, your wealth Read more…

How to Break up with Your Financial Advisor (and Find a New One)

Not every relationship is a "fit," and sometimes they just have to end when people aren't on the same page. Sometimes business partnerships and personal relationships have an end date, and the same might also apply to your financial advisor. Read more…