Wealth Management | Plancorp | Financial Planning (2)

The Process and Stages of Reaching Financial Freedom

Around 72% of Americans do not currently feel financially secure; however, over 40% believe they will achieve financial freedom eventually. But what does financial freedom mean? Because personal finance is a broad topic with many approaches, it's important to know that financial freedom is not a Read more…

3 Ways to Strive for Financial Freedom—Even During Uncertainty

We live in uncertain times. The deluge of depressing news only reminds us of the many things that are out of our control. Read more…

How to Best Approach Family Financial Planning

They say, "It takes a village to raise a child." Likewise, it takes a team to direct your family's financial future. This no-nonsense guide to setting your family's financial plan will help you make better decisions no matter your family budget or current financial situation. Read more…

Money Saving Tips When You're Expecting a Little One

Whether you planned to have a house full of kids or no kids at all, you’re probably reading this because you are expecting a little one of your own. Congratulations! Read more…

Caring for Aging Parents: What to Know From a Wealth Manager

Everyone is familiar with “Generation X,” but did you know it has garnered another term? Gen X is also called the “sandwich generation,” describing individuals who are simultaneously caring for their children as they enter adulthood and their aging parents who require more support. Read more…

Divorce & Financial Planning: A Discussion with Family Lawyers [Video]

No one plans on getting divorced, but planning for the unexpected allows you to save and protect more than just your assets. At Plancorp, we have seen first hand the impact divorce has on families and some of those negative aspects could have been avoided had an appropriate estate plan been Read more…

8 Money Mistakes High Earners Should Avoid

You've probably seen media reports of successful business owners or celebrities facing financial challenges and wondered how that could happen. It may be surprising that they've gone through bankruptcy or foreclosure, but it turns out that people with high income can be just as susceptible to Read more…

High Income, High Debt: How to Stay Ahead of Your Finances

Earning capacity and money management skills don't always go hand-in-hand. If you're a high earner with high levels of debt, you aren't alone, but there are key steps you should be taking to get on the path to financial independence. Once you understand your comprehensive financial picture, the Read more…

Helping Adult Children Get Financially Stable: The New Generational Wealth

Ensuring our children become financially stable doesn’t always mean that we leave them everything needed to have a cozy life. Generational wealth most often comes from helping them establish themselves, wander out into the world, and learn to thrive. Read more…

How Does a Prenup Work and Should You Get One?

Marriage is an exciting time for anyone, but special considerations exist for high-net-worth individuals. Real financial concerns are common: Should you consider combining finances after marriage? What sort of debt are you each bringing into the marriage? If you have more money, how will you manage Read more…