
At Plancorp, we don’t wait for you to ask the right questions.
We take the initiative to offer insights and guidance — real enlightenment for real life.

The Basics About Financial Planning and Financial Advisors

Planning for a strong financial future and achieving your financial goals requires developing a comprehensive strategy. A well-built plan will typically involve both short-term and long-term goals, and will also take into account unexpected events that could otherwise negatively impact your Read more…

4 Financial Benefits of Marriage

Love should always be the primary reason for two people to tie the knot, but the financial benefits of marriage are an added incentive. From the tax benefits of marriage to changes in Social Security and even the correlation between marriage and credit score, there’s a lot to be aware of after you Read more…

Travel Tips From Your Financial Advisor

This past summer my family went on a much-anticipated trip to Mexico. We had delayed our plans from 2020 to celebrate my parents retirement a few times and were finally going to relax and enjoy time together on the beach. What started as a great vacation quickly tested us all physically and Read more…

6 Financial Goals Your Advisor Should Be Talking to You About

When it comes to tax and financial planning, all of us — especially those with a high net worth — try to be proactive by maximizing the power of our money. To that end, many hire a financial advisor early on to help them get started with a solid spending and investment plan. But after a few years Read more…

Financial Planning: How To Help A Child Buy A Home

Over the last few months, particularly as interest rates have climbed, I have had clients reach out about helping their children with purchasing a home. If this is something you’re considering, I've outlined considerations and options to help ensure your generosity doesn't de-rail your retirement Read more…

Protecting Future Wealth Through Tax Planning Today

Protect Your Net Worth with Tax Planning Strategy Taxes are an inevitable part of life, but that doesn't mean you have to let them steal your future. With proper tax planning as a part of your holistic financial plan, you can protect your family's finances and make the most of your hard-earned Read more…

Understanding the CAPM and Return Expectations with Investments

Understanding market expected return and the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) for estimating returns is important for any investor. This article provides an overview of how the CAPM helps determine expected stock market returns and how much the stock market has returned throughout its history per Read more…

When You Should Develop a Succession Plan for Your Business

Most savvy business owners develop a business plan that includes an exit strategy. However, many companies fail to put a succession plan in place. In fact, only 34% of family-owned businesses have a succession plan , and those are usually very informal — meaning most don't survive for later Read more…

Importance of The Family Meeting

My grandfather (we called him Pappy-O) passed away recently, after almost two years of entrapment in his body and his mind. He was the father of three children, grandfather of six, and married to my grandmother (Mammy-O) for 65 years. For most of those years, he drank a cup of coffee with her every Read more…

The Secure Act 2.0: What You Need to Know

The Secure Act, passed in 2019, brought many changes to the retirement and financial planning landscape. We re-capped some of the biggest impacts of the original bill in a webinar that you can now access on-demand in the Plancorp resource library. Read more…