Wealth Management | Plancorp | Equity Compensation (2)

Know Your (Stock) Options: Understanding ISOs and NSOs

Companies use stock options as a form of equity compensation to supplement employees’ salaries — and if you’ve been awarded options, you’re essentially being given a chance to take an ownership stake in the company you work for. Stock options are not only an acknowledgement of the contributions you Read more…

How to Handle Post-IPO Equity

For years, investing in Silicon Valley was predominantly reserved for ultra-wealthy venture capitalists, but that exclusive landscape is changing. The last year has seen three massive initial public offerings (IPOs) from software vendor Snowflake (NYSE: SNOW), takeout delivery company DoorDash Read more…

If Stock Options Are Part of Your Compensation Package, Here's What You Need to Know

The 2010s was arguably the decade of the corporate perk. For years, we could hardly escape the barrage of beer taps in the break room, free gym memberships, and unlimited PTO. These benefits may have led to a “best place to work” award or two, but when was the last time a free lunch helped you feel Read more…

Doing Your Due Diligence on a Private Equity Investment Offer

In our Plancorp Family Office practice, we often work with clients who are frequently presented with opportunities to invest in non-traditional offerings such as private equity, private real estate, hedge funds, etc. Read more…

Your Employer Offers You Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation (NQDC): Now What?

It’s always nice to be recognized for a job well done. Being invited to participate in your employer’s non-qualified deferred compensation (NQDC) plan, is one such vote of confidence; it’s typically offered exclusively to select executives or similar high-performing employees. Read more…

How You Can Benefit from a Down Market Using an Employer Stock Purchase Plan

An ESPP (short for Employer Stock Purchase Plan) is a super valuable benefit offered by your company that allow you to purchase your company stock at a discount. With the recent drop in the US stock market however, you might find that the price of your company shares is now below even the Read more…

Got Company Stock? Don’t Make This Common Mistake

I meet with a lot of executives, managers, and other highly compensated employees of publicly-traded companies, and I often spot a big red flag in their portfolios: They have lots of money tied up in the stock of the companies they work for. Read more…

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