You Can Now Convert Unused 529 Funds Into A Roth IRA For Your Beneficiary 529 college savings plans have become a popular vehicle for parents and grandparents to set aside money for their children or grandchildren's’ college expenses. Read more…
Is My Investment Portfolio Properly Tax-Optimized?
It’s common knowledge that simply saving for retirement isn’t enough. Investing those savings can help your nest egg outpace inflation and grow exponentially to maximize your retirement potential. Read more…
The Ins and Outs of Intrafamily Loans
In today’s high interest rate environment (with current AFR sitting well over 4%) many people are turning to intrafamily loans to assist with major investments as opposed to commercial lenders. Read more…
Tax Planning for Equity Compensation
Equity compensation comes in several forms, including stock options, restricted stock units and employee stock purchase plans (ESPP). Each type of equity grant gives employees a stake in their employer’s financial success and a chance to boost their income. Read more…
What is Tax Loss Harvesting and Why is It Important?
Nobody wants to see their portfolio balance drop in a down market. But if you invest for the long term, experiencing ups and downs along the way is inevitable. Tax loss harvesting is one way to use market volatility to your advantage and keep your financial plan moving in the right direction. This Read more…
Is it Worth Paying a Wealth Manager?
The wealth management industry currently has assets under management (AUM) above $100 trillion. That number is estimated to reach $145 trillion by 2025. More and more high net worth Individuals (HNIs) — people with investible assets over $1 million — are trusting their financial planning to Read more…
Protecting Future Wealth Through Tax Planning Today
Protect Your Net Worth with Tax Planning Strategy Taxes are an inevitable part of life, but that doesn't mean you have to let them steal your future. With proper tax planning as a part of your holistic financial plan, you can protect your family's finances and make the most of your hard-earned Read more…
Tax Planning with Cryptocurrency
This is the third installment in a series on planning for cryptocurrency assets. The purpose of this series is not to debate the merits of cryptocurrency or provide commentary on its outlook. Instead, it’s meant to serve as a resource for those holding cryptocurrency and how to properly factor it Read more…
Smart Tax Strategies, Return Tips and Mistakes to Avoid with Equity Compensation
One of the most powerful advantages of equity compensation is that equity awards typically offer ways to defer or minimize taxes. But making the most of stock options, restricted stock units and other types of equity compensation requires smart tax planning—otherwise, you could end up with a Read more…