As we all learn to live with the impact the coronavirus is having on our daily lives, recent legislation and relief from the federal government seeks to alleviate the financial impact of COVID-19. The most significant piece of legislation is the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act. Read more…
U.S. Treasury Extends Tax Filing Deadline, Some States Follow Suit
The Treasury Department and Internal Revenue Service recently announced that the federal income tax filing due date had been automatically extended from April 15, 2020 to July 15, 2020. Saturday’s release updated the notice issued on March 18th that payments could be deferred but not filing. Read more…
Getting More from Giving Back
From a young age, I’ve enjoyed giving back. Almost every year of high school and college I participated in a mission trip. Since college I’ve had the amazing opportunity to travel to Uganda to help those in need. (See some of the life lessons I learned on this amazing trip). Each trip was unique, Read more…
How a Donor-Advised Fund Saved My Parents $15,000 In Taxes
“It’s the perfect opportunity to save taxes!” This is a statement that is typically only exclaimed by tax accountants, but as a CPA, this opportunity had me excited. I was able to proactively tax plan for two of my favorite people, my parents. After a 30+ year career, my dad was planning to retire Read more…
How Tax Reform Impacts Business Owners
While the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act impacted both individuals and businesses, changes to the business tax scheme were comparatively more comprehensive and permanent. As a business owner, the magnitude of the changes may seem overwhelming. Instead of getting caught up in the details of every Read more…
Year-End Tax Tips, in Light of Tax Reform
The end of the year is traditionally a good time to tackle tax planning. You have an idea of what your total income will be, so you can make decisions with an eye on tax efficiencies. This year, the back-and-forth on tax reform has narrowed the window of opportunity a bit. Read more…
Tax Reform Status Update
Tax reform seems to be the topic du jour of everything from dinner conversations to media headlines. But the frequency with which it changes, not to mention the current length of the bills (more than 400 and 500 pages for the House and Senate versions, respectively), makes it difficult to sift Read more…
The 3 Best Uses for Your Tax Refund
According to the IRS, U.S. taxpayers received $264.5 billion in total refunds in 2016. That makes the average refund total about $2,993. Read more…
Reduce Tax Liability with These Tips
The end of the year is an exciting time for most of us. Crisper weather, holiday celebrations, family time ... And year-end tax planning. What's not to love? Read more…
Will Comprehensive Tax Reform Finally become a Reality?
With a surprise win by Donald Trump in the presidential election and control maintained by Republicans in both houses of Congress, we may be on the verge of our nation’s first comprehensive tax reform since 1986. Since that time, the Federal tax law has grown from 26,000 pages to 70,000 pages. So, Read more…