
At Plancorp, we don’t wait for you to ask the right questions.
We take the initiative to offer insights and guidance — real enlightenment for real life.

Is The 60/40 Portfolio Still Good?

The 60/40 portfolio is dead! Articles with this headline hit the financial media circuit at least once a year. Read more…

Comparing Robo-Advisors to Traditional Wealth Managers: What is Better For Your Needs?

If you’ve outgrown DIYing your investment management strategy, you have two options — use a robo-advisor or work with a wealth manager. Read more…

Learn How Business Owners Can Save $75,000 a Year Into Their 401(k)

For many people, the question “How much can I save into my 401(k)?” has a simple answer. If you are under age 50 in 2024 you can save $23,000 into your 401(k). If you are over 50 you can save $30,500. Read more…

What is Tax Loss Harvesting and Why is It Important?

Nobody wants to see their portfolio balance drop in a down market. But if you invest for the long term, experiencing ups and downs along the way is inevitable. Tax loss harvesting is one way to use market volatility to your advantage and keep your financial plan moving in the right direction. This Read more…

3 Important Wealth Management Statistics

Entrusting the management of your portfolio to a financial advisor is a tough decision, but there is hard data that highlights the benefits that a seasoned wealth manager can provide. In the U.S. alone, there are over 330,000 financial advisors, and that number is expected to reach nearly 400,000 Read more…

Celebrating 40 Years of Service & Generations of Success at Plancorp

We set out on a mission to do two critical things while celebrating 40th years in business: share the philosophy and stories that have contributed to our success over decades and chart a course for where we expect to go in the coming years. Read more…

Different Types of Financial Advisors

Navigating the world of wealth management can be overwhelming and time-consuming. It also requires a certain level of financial expertise when dealing with investment risks. Read more…

11 Different Types of Retirement Plans

Only 31 percent of non-retirees think their retirement saving is on track, according to the Federal Reserve's Report on the Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households in 2022. Read more…

Should I Buy or Lease a Car?

A recent deep-dive into the true costs of car ownership found that the average car owner logs 13,500 miles on their car every year. That number of miles can put big-time stress on your vehicle and cause costly repairs, not to mention the additional expense to register, insure, and fuel your car. Read more…

How Backdoor Roth Conversions Work

Roth IRAs are an essential part of a diversified retirement plan. The most significant benefit of a Roth IRA is its potential to deliver massive tax savings over time. Read more…