Wealth Management | Plancorp | Investment Strategy (3)

Bear Market Commentary

The S&P 500 is flirting with bear market territory (defined as a 20% decline from the high) as investors grapple with several variables including multi-decade high inflation, aggressive monetary policy tightening, and persistent global supply chain issues. Whether we are heading towards an official Read more…

Understanding Equity Compensation and Incentive Plans

Equity compensation plans come in multiple forms, including stock options, restricted stock units (RSUs), and employee stock purchase plans. Each is designed to give employees a direct stake in the financial success of their companies, and hopefully to provide additional monetary benefits beyond Read more…

How to Minimize Regret with Your Investment Decisions

Think about the major choices you’ve made in your life. Picking a career path, choosing a life partner, deciding to have children, changing jobs – these are high-stake decisions because each forces you to set aside all possible futures except the one you ultimately choose. Read more…

If Stock Options Are Part of Your Compensation Package, Here's What You Need to Know

The 2010s was arguably the decade of the corporate perk. For years, we could hardly escape the barrage of beer taps in the break room, free gym memberships, and unlimited PTO. These benefits may have led to a “best place to work” award or two, but when was the last time a free lunch helped you feel Read more…

A New Podcast Designed to Help You Improve as a Long Term Investor

After several years of deliberation, I’m finally launching a podcast. I’m excited to introduce you to The Long Term Investor, a financial podcast designed to distill complex topics into easily digestible lessons and make you a better investor. Read more…

Investment Gifts: Creative Ways to Give Money to Your Kids

Pop Quiz: You have 10 seconds to name what your parents gave you for Christmas when you were 15. Go! It’s almost impossible to think of even one thing, right? Most gifts—even the big ones—fade from our memories within months. But some gifts will continue to give years after recipients have torn off Read more…

Investing In Your 20s

The financial decisions you make in your 20s are arguably more important than any other time in your life. The most important decision you can make is to start investing now. To illustrate, imagine two college graduates with access to tax-deferred investment accounts earning 8% per year. The first Read more…

Investing In Your 30s

The right investment strategy to reach your goals shifts as you age. Once you reach your 30s, the looming worries of graduating, starting a career and climbing out of the student loan debt hole probably have been replaced by more domestic concerns. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the median Read more…

Investing In Your 40s

By the time you’re in your 40s, you have probably established some financial goals, invested in your workplace retirement accounts, and set aside money for a rainy day. It’s also more likely you have gotten married, bought a home, and had a few kids. Next comes the question of whether you’ve done Read more…

Investing In Your 50s

For most of your life, saving for retirement probably wasn’t a high priority. But as the years count down on your career, nerves set in and rhetorical questions start flooding your head: Have I saved enough? Did I invest too aggressively? Do I have the right kind of insurance? Read more…