Wealth Management | Plancorp | Investment Strategy (7)

Investment Accounts 101

Like most subjects, investing requires a thorough understanding of the basics. Whether you’re creating a portfolio for the first time, going through a life event (marriage, birth of a child, divorce, etc.) or just want to take a closer look at your finances, you’ll need to first understand the core Read more…

Got Company Stock? Don’t Make This Common Mistake

I meet with a lot of executives, managers, and other highly compensated employees of publicly-traded companies, and I often spot a big red flag in their portfolios: They have lots of money tied up in the stock of the companies they work for. Read more…

Tackling the Investment Gap

We’ve heard a lot about the wage gap in the last decade or so, but the investment gap is just starting to get more press. Despite the fact that more and more are identifying themselves as their family’s primary breadwinner, bill-payer and budget-maker, women continue to lag behind men in long-term Read more…

Going Global with Your Portfolio

If you’re like me, the wrap of last month’s Olympic games left you wondering: What do I watch on TV now? The global competition gave us all new respect for how much time and dedication Olympic athletes put in for the games, a sense of inspiration for the next generation, and a view into how global Read more…

How to Prepare for a Market Downturn

One of the first things to accept as an investor is that you will occasionally lose money – sometimes a lot of money – on the way to earning a decent return in stocks. The market will take unpredictable twists and turns throughout your lifetime. Read more…

Is this Normal? Market Volatility

Last week’s volatility was higher than a typical week in the market, but it wasn’t all that unusual from a historical standpoint. Read more…

Are You a Saver or an Investor?

Picture yourself holding a $100 bill in your hand. What sounds more appealing: Read more…

Should You Invest in Bitcoin?

The frenzy around cryptocurrencies only goes up by the day. All the excitement drives everyone from experienced professionals to average investors to wonder: what should you do with Bitcoin? Read more…

Why Alternatives Are Bad for Your Portfolio

It’s never been easier for investors to add exposure to alternative investments into their portfolios. Read more…

When Fees Destroy Diversification

Diversification is said to be the only free lunch in investing—but that’s not entirely true, because the extra fees associated with more exotic asset classes frequently offset the benefits of otherwise attractive diversifiers. Read more…